ITIS "A. Meucci, "the book" Farewell My Lovely Farewell ... ", a book, a tribute, an emotion
Da sinistra: Fiorella Menna, Anna Lanzetta, Elvio Pagano, Dario Nardella, Alessandra Borsetti Venier
Siamo stati in tanti il 3 marzo a ritrovarci alle ore 15.30 all’ITIS “A. Meucci” di Firenze per presentare il libro “ Addio mia bella addio…La storia del Risorgimento tra parole, immagini e musica ”, un omaggio all’Italia per i suoi centocinquant’anni.
È 've all had occasion to meet again to discuss our projects, the school, but mainly of our dear and Italy to defend and remember.
many friends and many students also spent the years.
To do the honors, the school manager Elvio Pagan who gave us hospitality and welcomed Dario Nardella, Deputy Mayor of Florence, Alessandra Borsetti Venier, Editor.
Professor, Fiorella Menna has summarized the main points the book revolving around the feeling of "patriotism," his main theme and explained the peculiarities in terms of historical and educational.
John Edwards
the notes of farewell Farewell My Lovely Bosi, actor and director, John Esposito has read pages and verses Carducci, Leopardi, Manzoni, Mazzini and Mameli, and ran the images of the painter-Macchiaioli that reporters and photographers of the time, made tangible with their pictures, the courage of so many young people, ready to sacrifice the affections, but to fight for their country and pictures of historical painting that the opera of Bellini and Verdi involved and urged the people to fight.
troubles Ignatius (1828-1889), Garibaldi's departure
beautiful expression Carducci to testify yesterday and today the value of culture:
"The poet is a servant of the powerful but a blacksmith forge anvil memories countries: it is he who must form our conscience civilian citizens, urging the example of the ancient, heroic and patriotic ideals to turn the minds. "
The book was launched by the syncretism of Art, Music, History and Literature, the Arts since the nineteenth century and the culture was operated cohesive array of events and happenings, who built our Risorgimento to the values \u200b\u200bof freedom, independence and unity.
Francesco Hayez (1791-1882), Refugees of Parga
"Refugees of Parga" Hayez in synergy with the reading of verses from the poem Refugees of Parga Giovanni Berchet and "Va 'pensiero" from "Nabucco" by Verdi, have become the emblem of all people who lose their home. If history tells the story, the literature describes them in detail, the painting captures the essential moment, the music exciting and involving, and moving were the times when the same story as "The Lombards in the First Crusade "it was possible see in the paintings by Hayez and Altamura, and read and listen to the music of Verdi, "The chorus of Jerusalem" was sublime.
But the most exciting moment was listening to "Brothers of Italy" in synergy with the painting that recalled moments of history of the Risorgimento. Everyone standing in the name of Italy and in front of the sacrifice that John remembered in reading, a young man named Goffredo Mameli, who died at age 22, of injuries sustained in the defense of Rome, and ordered him not to return to Genoa because side, a young among the many to whom we owe respect, which left us thinking and beautiful verses:
, What is life if the country is divided? ... .
Let us unite and love one another; union and love Show the people God's ways. swear to free the native soil united under God, Who can defeat us? Stringiamci unite! Ready to die; called Italy. With the assistance of Elvira Pagano and Dario Nardella was recalled the history of our unit, the value and the will of the protagonists of the Risorgimento in the book, the commitment of so many young people ready to give up but to participate and to affection between them the same Macchiaioli, who often left their lives in battle, as also pointed Alessandra Borsetti Venier then focusing on the picture showing "The barricades of Milan" and recalling the book project, designed especially for schools.
The call for everyone not to forget the historical legacy integrates receive and transmit to future generations, concluded the first meeting between the passing of posters of historical films memorable.
The meeting gave us the opportunity, through the book, choral speaking and so the defense of Italy and its symbols dear to the memory of those who love Italy and its units:
From the Alps to the minimum we are all brothers!
hatched on the limits, destroyed on the thrones
planting three of our ordinary color
green, hope-fed so many years;
red, the joy of having accomplished;
white, the faith of fraternal love '.
( G. Berchet, hatred "To arms! To Arms")
used to seeing our flag, now we look with indifference, without mentioning which was bathed in blood and inspired so much enthusiasm. With that beats, these three lines of green, red and white were murmured softly, when it seemed a dream to see the flag tricolor! . (Francesco De Sanctis ).
Who does not know.
Who knows and loves to remember
The history of our Unit
Anna Lanzetta
Dear readers, we have become many and grow every day Plus, if you're curious about this book just read it.
Farewell my beautiful goodbye ... The history of the Risorgimento between words, images and music published by Morgana Edizioni, is being distributed to bookstores in January 2011.
The cost of the book is 10 €.