to pay the voice of faith media, the management of res publica past their high-end features that guarantee the fulfillment of the social contract for the practice of tabloid interest, since, over allegations of partying in the mansion of the Berlusconi case Marrazzo, the most or less accurate and abhorrent to the privacy of our leaders seem to acquire, for the means of mass communication, and greater importance than the morbid realization of benefit to the community (and the understanding that this omits mention of broader considerations, unrelated to the goal we have set , the existence of a clear line of demarcation between the public and staff of institutional character, and need for these, even in their being less relevant to the mandate, however, take an attitude shared objects, in line with the exemplary that must have their role).
So, while stories of little consequence for the common interest of the citizens are placed at the center of attention, the great issues of our time, those destined to become irreversibly our future, if they are treated, they are simply being principle and ideological confrontation and in the light of the utility, even selfish, valued at the time, and without the breadth of views and considerations, which alone can provide solutions to the political debate balanced and long lasting.
so happens to all the major themes of morality and bioethics in particular, from time to time on the carpet and unresolved sexual diversity, living wills and euthanasia, new abortion, genetic gain relief on the result of external factors, and from time to time and from the subjects that we have delegated to write the rules even of individual choices in the public interest, after bloody ideological battles get patched or regulations, episodic and partial, that are not regulated at all, paving the way for the exercise of Supplementary powers (eg the judiciary, in the case of painful Luana Englaro, in the other part administrative CUF regard to the introduction of abortion pill RU486).
But it's so well for the government and the economy, however, for the exercise of power to the functional material development, within which any action should be, given the transnational nature of its effects in a globalized world, properly balanced in all its possible reverberations and, instead, is widely adopted, leaving unscathed, even worse, a situation that sees the world peoples move at two speeds, and some take advantage of progress and well-being immoderate, and other individuals of the most basic fundamental rights, such as to the life or health. Since
policy is nothing but a sort of set of Chinese boxes, transposing these considerations - of course, mutatis mutandis - we can appreciate the persistence of inequality is restricting our gaze to our nation that, despite, develops at different rates and offer services to citizens different, is to bet on federalism with the risk without adequate compensation mechanisms, to sharpen the north-south divide, and is also the only region where, in order to remain in the samples, the massacre in the wasteful health in large cities ( See the story of the Cancer Center of Excellence Foundation Bell Catanzaro) you want to correct the minimum closing outposts health of the province, such as Oppido, and again in which, compared to rivers of money invested in the modernization of A3, when ready, will already technically outdated, the "small" as oppidesi varapodiesi and are called to celebrate because those who administer them, after ten months of disruption and road, accompanied by a bridge on the road pioneered by Marro.
the eyes of the city, but perhaps it objectively, then the policy has lost the plot.
We did this assessment as we learned that even in our small town, will be presented the latest papal encyclical in which Pope Benedict XVI once again, in the footsteps of Popolorum Progressio of Paul VI, the theme of "human development", namely "to promote the good of every person and of the whole man"
According to the theologian-pope, (where nothing has taken away and nothing could take away the unhappy court gave two days ago by Eugenio Scalfari , which not clear from which vantage point he called Pope Benedict XVI "a moderate theologian) reason, which should preside over the options of government, must be illuminated by faith and, above all, the truth that it seeks to achieve in the modern world can not be separated from love (in fact, the Caritas in Veritate hence the title of the encyclical), especially from the divine to penalty to achieve, in the development of the people targeted by policy choices, a humanism without God "and then" inhuman. "" Only a humanism open to the Absolute can guide us in the promotion and implementation of forms of social and civic life .... safeguarded by risk of becoming ensnared by the latest trends and - Pope Ratzinger continues - only "the love of God calls us to move from what is limited and not definitive, it gives us the courage to work and continue the search for the good of all. "
Perhaps, given the ethical significance of the letter, would be a good thing, regardless of religious beliefs, not only Scalfari, but also many politicians read it.
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