Life is an earthquake
Today is a sunny Saturday of spring holiday. Temperature in
norm. The world follows the divine plan or random depending on expectations, points of view, genetic, environmental and individual. Have happened since last post new disasters, natural disasters, new deaths, atrocious or not, new injustices. In the last period
new lives have flourished and seeds of hope have begun to grow inside some of us.
Some dreams come true and new nightmares are beginning to appear, or appear for the first time with the usual surprise typical of the extras in the act, style horror show.
continues the trend of reality, a perception swinging, perpetual life and death. Death as a negation of life sometimes, death as strengthening the lives of others in other situations. Some readers
'll be saying "Thank goodness the weather is nice and while writing "...:-)
life is poetry.
camp to shame those nightmares that cause death in many victims not to dream anymore.
I feel antiquated.
some job opportunities that I feel I can not pick them.
And I'm 29 years old.
And I'm still studying to collect titles.
I see around me friends scratching their lives around pursuing a definition for innate immunity.
around all these certainties have an ingrained way of thinking gradually became less and less harsh and more defined. It 's the price of wisdom will say the optimists.
It 's the price of old age and being stoned I say.
Complete incomplete. Unfortunately, those lives lose their meaning as defined in the way of thinking.
sin of hypocrisy by building a following the canons that would put me away from a search that will never end.
But the real people age the same way as those in computer games cover notches lle energy.
These are theoretical reflections of a Saturday afternoon.
Around me, the sun, silence, shadow, silence, music.
A dog sleeps. Unaware that his days are the last to the fact that an extended lung cancer, which has already blocked off a bronco, is spreading so unstoppable on his little body. cortisone, and acyclovir tramadol in an experimental attempt to slow the spread of evil stain. The only time you can slow down, establishes the relativity, and then also adapt the drugs.
The TV is off.
The chandelier as well.
Everything is still.
The earth and do not feel the aftershocks that have exalted the evil mafia in Abruzzo building under the shock of an earthquake innocent murderess.
Gentlemen, this is life.
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